The first question (no 'hi mom') was asking if I put money on his books. I told that after thinking about it that the answer was no, I was not. He hung up. Fast forward two minutes and he called back telling me he needed cigarettes. My answer to him was that no, he did not need cigarettes, he wanted them and I was not going to keep enabling him by constantly doing everything he asked and giving him whatever he wanted. His immediate response before hanging up on me was that I haven't done sh.. for him and to f... off.
My son is only belligerent when he is using. Honestly it didn't occur to me to even consider that he was using again....especially in rehab. Not that he hasn't done that before but....
For some reason I decided to Yelp the facility. HOLY CRAP!! It is no wonder he is using. The reviews on the facility were completely off the charts. Everything from insurance scamming to dirty urine testing to septic system overflowing to overcrowding.
I am seriously going to look into how I can get David Goldstein at CBS LA do his investigative work on this...its just not me who has figured this out.
I to am a mom witn an adult child who is a heroin addict. In this past year she has lost her job, apartment, car, 5 yr old son, respect of our family and has been arrested. Heroin is a thief. It robs positive life, health and beauty. This is a parents worse nitemare. Do you know what its like to hold your grandchild in your arms as he cries his heart out for his mom. Listen to his heartache when he asks why mom spends all her time away frm him? I pray my 27 yr old daughter wakes up soon.