Blog Archive

Monday, August 8, 2016

My Rant

Well….supposedly (I am beginning to hate that word), my son is back in detox.  Unfortunately, I don’t have solid confirmation on this, but given what I have learned, I am not surprised.

Did you know that there are recruiters* our there for rehab facilities?  They get paid either a percentage or a flat fee (think $1000 on average) per person that they can recruit to the facility that they work for.   The facility bills the insurance company; the insurance company pays the facility; the facility pays the recruiter. The more addicts with good insurance, the more they make.  HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE?!  It makes me seriously doubt how competent these rehab facilities really are – or are they a big, fat insurance scam? I am sure there are good ones out there, but my doubts are growing by the day.  Where is David Goldstein from Channel 2 news when you need him?  My insurance has been billed close to $75,000 this year; that doesn’t include the tens of thousands I have paid; nor does it include the almost $75,000+ that I have been billed by the facilities for what the insurance didn’t cover.  One facility wanted to charge me $52,000+ for one month in addition to what the insurance company paid. ONE MONTH!  I think for this kind of money, that I should also have a gourmet chef, private trainer, and masseuse at my disposal too.  Yes, most of the facilities that my son has been a patient at employ such people....for the addict's comfort of course.  

*person who claims they were an addict and are now clean thanks to the same program they now work for.


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